gLife - An Artificial Life Simulation
gLife - Old News
3rd January, 2000 - Author is away until Jan 30th. I apologize
for any inconveniences (please use the bug-tracker for bugs/wishlist items)
3rd January, 2000 - Webpage fixups :)
27th December, 1999 - gLife 0.1.1 released
27th December, 1999 - I thought I should announce this, I have exams
and after exams I'll be away from my computer until Jan 30th (approx) so
development on this will be "slow" to say the least. Thank you for your
understanding (don't let this deter you from sending patches, bug reports, or
27th December, 1999 - New counter made due to inaccuracies with the
old one and Requirements part changed and is now accurate
26th December, 1999 - 0.1 release of gLife
16th December, 1999 - Creation of gLife project at
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